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Blockchain Technology Super Bundle

Demand for Blockchain skills has skyrocketed as companies in virtually all industries worldwide rush to ensure they’re not missing opportunities or being outflanked by competitors adopting this digital, decentralized trust technology to their own needs. For those in the IT industry especially, a thorough understanding of how Blockchain works and the critical development skills can set you on a new career development path. Master fundamental blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts. Learn the development competency skills for Solidity and Ethereum.

Blockchain technology presents a radical and disruptive new way of conducting all manner of transactions over the Internet. This training program will help you master Blockchain technology and the driving force behind the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. You will learn various aspects of the structure, mechanism, and advantages of Blockchain technology, designing a Blockchain network, deploying it for real-world applications, and much more in this Blockchain certification training.

You will learn:

  • What the Blockchain is and what it might mean to you. Learn about blockchain technology and the implications of decentralized, encrypted data storage for business and society.
  • Know and use essential vocabulary and concepts commonly used when discussing Blockchain and Bitcoin in business situations.
  • Understand and explain how Bitcoin transactions work, as well as how they are structured.
  • Be able to analyze Bitcoin transactions and verify transactions on the public Blockchain.
  • Have a firm grasp of the critical concepts around blockchain technology in applications beyond Bitcoin
  • Know about and understand multiple business use cases of Blockchain beyond Bitcoin.
  • Discuss business uses of Blockchain as it is being expanded beyond mere cryptocurrency.
  • How to build DApps for the Ethereum blockchain. Discover how to create a smart contract, a web user interface, and the JavaScript needed to link the two.
  • How to build blockchain-based smart contracts with Solidity and eliminate the middleman in sensitive transactions.
  • Have your fully-functional blockchain prototype.
  • Learn how the code behind blockchain technology functions.
  • Learn why blockchain technology is a very secure means of storing data.
  • Learn how a decentralized blockchain network works.
  • Design and develop Hyperledger Blockchain business applications using the Hyperledger Composer and Fabric Framework
  • Work with permissionless and permissioned Blockchains and see how Bitcoin/Ethereum differ from Hyperledger.
  • Set up an essential development Hyperledger Fabric network on your computer
  • Access your Hyperledger Fabric network via Hyperledger Composer
  • Start building a simple Blockchain application for land registration
  • Package and install this application on your Hyperledger Fabric network
  • Write some basic unit tests to verify that the network works
  • Extend your network to host multiple peers on separate computers
  • Secure the network by implementing OAuth, implementing the Fabric Certificate Authority, and setting up your network on Kubernetes
  • Develop complete decentralized web application on Ethereum blockchain
  • Learn smart contract fundamentals and interaction
  • Learn how to connect your web application to Blockchain
  • How to react to blockchain events
  • How to deploy and run local Blockchain

Who should take up this Blockchain training course?

Anybody looking to upgrade their careers and get on the exciting blockchain bandwagon can enroll in this Blockchain training course.

What are the prerequisites for learning Blockchain?

There are no prerequisites for learning the digital currency infrastructure, Blockchain technology. Anybody can take this Blockchain certification training.

Why should you take up the Blockchain training course?

Blockchain has been ushered in as one of the revolutionary technologies that can herald the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that is the underlying infrastructure for bitcoin. It is now finding increased applications across industrial sectors, the prominent among them being banking and financial services. Taking the self-paced Blockchain training course can help individuals make the best use of the utmost scarcity of skilled and certified Blockchain professionals and command big salaries. You can also be a part of the Blockchain Hyperledger community upon completing this Blockchain technology course.

Blockchain technology today is very robust and includes many components like Solidity programming language, distributed ledger cloud platform, Ethereum, and Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Taking this industry-designed Blockchain training can help to master all these technologies and more.

This Blockchain Technology Bundle provides a broad introduction to Blockchain and allows for deep dives into the development side of Blockchain with the tools and technology behind the development. The courses in the bundle include:



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