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Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

In many companies, over 70% of the costs and 100% of revenues depend on supply decisions and managing the supply chain.  Discover why some of the leading minds in the business world estimate that the application of blockchain in global supply chain management can result in more than $100 billion in savings while improving the security and traceability of product supply chains.

Discover how and why blockchain technology is currently being used by many leading organizations, including retail giant Walmart and food and agriculture powerhouse Cargill, among others, to make their supply chains more secure, transparent, and efficient. In addition, you will gain valuable insights on how blockchain is being used to combat the more than $1.2 trillion in counterfeited goods worldwide and how it is helping enable global supply chains to work more closely together as integrated units.

You will learn:

  • What blockchain technology is and how it works.
  • Why blockchain is an excellent fit for Supply Chain Management.
  • Hands-on with blockchain demo platforms
  • How companies are currently using blockchain in their supply chains
  • Key areas where blockchain technology adds the most value in the supply chain.
  • Leading technology players in the blockchain you should be aware of.
  • The different kinds of blockchains available


You will also review and understand real case studies of blockchain being used in various supply chains. You will also learn a valuable seven-step process for successfully implementing a blockchain technology project.

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