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Writing a Training Request

Training is an essential step in advancing your career and professional goals. However, to pursue additional training opportunities, you will likely have to pay for the training yourself or request that your employer cover the cost to help you reach your goals. If you choose to request additional training through your employer, you can write a training request letter that outlines the benefits of the training for both you and the company. This article explains how to write a request letter that will help you get the training you want.


What is a request letter for training?

A request letter for training is a document you give your employer to ask the company to pay for additional training to help you in your role or learn new skills. Ongoing training and education can help you progress in your career, develop new skills and improve your abilities, making you a more valuable team member.

Many companies encourage professional development among their employees because they see the value of additional training to close skills gaps and build stronger teams. In addition, your employer may be willing to pay for training opportunities if they feel you are loyal and hardworking. Research all the options available so you can present a letter that outlines the best opportunities for the skills you want to build.


How to write a training request letter

Follow these steps to draft an effective training request letter:


Start the process by researching what skills you’d like to improve and how those skills will benefit you in your career path or the career you wish to pursue. You can explore online training or other opportunities that relate to your field, or you can ask your coworkers what type of training they have sought out in their careers. After you identify the skills, you want to develop, discover what training options are available.

Ask for help

Consider internal colleagues who might help you develop a particular skill or supervisors who recommend you for training. For example, if you want to learn graphic design, you may be able to find a mentor at your company, such as a senior graphic designer or marketing professional.

Present the benefits

When writing a training request letter to your employer, you’ll need to clearly outline the benefits of the training and how your development of those skills will benefit your team or the company overall. For example, if you’ve noticed a skills gap on your team, frame the letter in a way that points out the gap and describes how the training will remedy it.

Show your commitment to the company.

Your employer might worry that after the company pays for your training, you’ll take your new skills and move on to a new position. Address this common concern in your letter by expressing your loyalty and showing how you will use your new skills to benefit the company.

Outline the options

It’s helpful to discuss multiple options that will help you build the necessary skills. For example, if your employer can’t cover the cost of a graduate-level program, they may be able to send you to an online class that would give you training in a particular area as an alternative. By presenting options, you show your employer that you’ve spent the time researching what’s available and are willing to compromise.

Show the return on investment potential.

When a company allocates funds and time for an employee to develop their skills, the leaders want to know the outcome. You’ll likely need to report back on what you learned and how it will benefit your career progression, as well as how you can apply your skills in your role. If your training program is ongoing, such as a higher education program, you may need to check in regularly to provide progress reports and outline instances when you’ve been able to use your skills.


Tips for writing a request for training letter

Consider these tips that have worked for other employees requesting training opportunities through their employers:

Use a professional format

Compose your letter in a typical business style, using a standard easy-to-read font and one-inch margins. If you send the letter on paper or as an email attachment, use a professional heading that includes your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information. If sending an email, use a clear subject line. Begin the letter with a professional greeting, such as “Dear X,” and include a polite closing, such as “Sincerely,” before your signature.


Praise your supervisor in the letter.

Consider complimenting their leadership style through encouraging and appreciative words about their role as a mentor to you. For example, you could write, “I admire your style of leadership and want to develop similar skills,” or “Since you have been a role model for me in my position, I’d like to request your feedback on pursuing an opportunity to develop additional skills.”


Highlight your efforts

As you write about what you’ve done in your career, include details about how your efforts have benefited the team or company. By showing your willingness to work hard and contribute, you may increase the chances of having your training request approved. For example, you could mention how you’ve put in extra hours to broaden the impact of the marketing team or your time spent implementing a new system that improves the way the company manages customer support requests. Tie these efforts back to your request by expressing your desire to have the company invest back in you in appreciation for your work.


Express gratitude

Show your appreciation for the willingness of your employer to review and consider your request. In this section, you can explain how your new skills can benefit the team as well. Examples of this type of expression include, “I appreciate your consideration of my request, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts,” and “Thank you for considering this request. I am committed to this company and would like to further my skills in a way that can help me give more to meet my goals and achieve the goals of the business.”

As you draft your letter to request training, reviewing an example may help you frame your letter more effectively.  Here’s an example of an effective Training Request Letter:

Training Request Letter Request Example


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