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Wi-Fi Hacking


Systems Analyst


(17 Reviews)

If you want to understand how criminals run hacking campaigns and emulate them, you first have to understand and learn the techniques they deploy. This Mastering WiFi hacking Bundle is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of techniques, strategies, and tools to defend your WiFi networks.  The course presents background information, technical skills, and basic concepts required for those wanting a foundation in WiFi security.  In addition, this bundled course will give you a good grasp of how vulnerabilities and exploits work, how attackers think about network systems from infrastructure to web applications to WiFi.

Who should take this course:

People who want to get started with WiFi penetration testing, including defenders, developers, or administrators, are looking to better understand how attacks and attackers work to defend their systems.  This is also very useful for managers of technical security teams looking for insights on how to direct and deploy their teams.

This Mastering WiFi Hacking Bundle includes:

How to Hack WiFi Networks for Beginners

This course is all about WiFi and the security of wireless networks. You will study the threats, weaknesses, attack methods, router settings, introduction to Kali Linux, denial of service attacks, find hidden networks. You will also learn tools such as Aircrack-ng, Pyritt, Crunch, and Cowpatty to create an Evil Twin Access Point.

Ethical hacking of WiFi WPA and WPA2 Encryption

In this course, you will learn the ethical hacking of WiFi by cracking WPA/WPA2 encryption, basic terms of hacking, and the setup of Kali Linux.  In addition, Technics for breaking pin authentication, security of your router, and removing bugs from routers will be addressed.

WiFi Password Penetration Testing

Learn how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks whether they use WEP, WPA, or even WPA2; not only that, but you’ll also learn how to secure networks from hackers.  This course is highly practical, you will start as a beginner with no prior knowledge about hacking. It will take you through the basics of networking, how clients communicate, and how the different types of WiFi encryptions work. You’ll learn how to use this information to exploit these networks and crack their encryption.

Master in WiFi Ethical Hacking

This course on WiFi hacking explains the different techniques to hack the WEP, WPA/WPA2, and WPS WiFi router. Continuously updated with new techniques, attacks, and security.  Cracking a wireless network is defeating the security of wireless.   You will learn WiFi jamming, DOS attach, creating fake WiFi access points. 

WiFi Hacking and Wireless Penetration Testing Course

This course will teach you how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks whether they use WEP, WPA, or even WPA2. While you are learning ethically hack, you will also learn how to secure networks from hackers.   First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then you will learn everything with hands-on practices, and best practices, and shortcuts.  By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of WiFi Hacking and valuable insights on how things work under the hood, and you’ll also be very confident in cracking the key and get the password to WiFi networks.

Wireless Hacking and Security

This course delivers an in-depth look at wireless security, demonstrating how IEEE 802.11 wireless attacks are carried out and defended against.  It covers mobile wireless, securing Bluetooth, wireless security tools, security testing, securing desktop clients, and best practices.

WiFi Hacking Wireless Penetration Testing

This course includes an overview of the various types of wireless (802.11) networks, available encryption security systems (WEP, WPA, and WPA2), and how to use open-source tools to hack and crack these vulnerable wireless (WiFi) networks.  You will gain a deeper understanding of the WEP, WPA, and WPA2 wireless security protocols and how to exploit their vulnerabilities to gain access to any wireless network during a penetration test.  Also, learn how to implement a better defensive security posture to prevent an attacker from accessing your networks.


Wi-Fi Hacking

What you will learn

Course Components

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