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Advance Your Career with a Machine Learning Certification

Since the advent of machine learning, there have been revolutionary changes in many facets of everyday life. As a result, many aspirants are moving towards getting machine learning certification. As a result, computers are substituting manual labor, replacing many brain work tasks, and even have learned how to learn.

Machine learning is now considered a skill of the future; there are many machine learning courses being offered online. The proper machine learning certification can help you kickstart your machine learning career, rewarding you with a fruitful upward career trajectory.


What is Machine Learning?

An application of artificial intelligence, machine learning helps systems learn and improve from experience independently without relying on direct manual programming. Instead, computer programs access data, observe, look for patterns, fit that data into models, and apply the knowledge gained from it to make future predictions and decisions, generalizing to future scenarios.

There are different types of machine learning depending on the nature of the learning style, namely,

Supervised machine learning: The system is provided with labeled data or examples that match the desired output. From this, the machine learns to label future data.

Unsupervised machine learning: Here, there are unlabeled data, which is then grouped into clusters according to commonalities the system finds on its own.

Reinforcement machine learning: The system applies the best possible course of action to maximize rewards and learn from mistakes. Decisions are made sequentially based on the previous input.


Why Choose Machine Learning Certification?

Regulation of Digital Data

In today’s world, data is equivalent to power. The successful digital transformation of data processing has gained worldwide approval. A machine learning career will open your eyes to how machine learning can store and meaningfully extract relevant digital data from an ocean of data. The more data there is to analyze, the more sharp the model or algorithm will be. It also helps prevent inaccurate entries and duplicates, which is the most common error due to manual entry, by cross-checking with a lower processing time.


Effective marketing

Machine learning certification teaches you the skills needed to improve marketing strategy using the system. With the help of machine learning, marketers monitor consumer patterns in behavior by observing emails opened; websites visited, clicks, and downloads. Systems will be able to help with making real-time decisions. With the data, it can make accurate predictions about sales. It can access tremendous amounts of data and help rewire your existing marketing strategies depending on past customer interactions and behavior patterns. By generalizing, future sound predictions will be made, including customer turnover. For customers, it can aid them in finding their desired product from hundreds of other products in a matter of seconds. In addition, the online portal can assist in providing accurate recommendations to customers based on the target audience. It also helps in sentiment analysis by classifying an email or message communication as negative or positive and then notifying the marketers of harmful content to address the issue raised immediately.


Advancement of cyber security

A course in machine learning certification helps to gain the competency needed to develop machine learning algorithms that can improve cybersecurity. Real-time anomalies are identified to automatically enable measures to tackle them before there is full-blown damage done. Accessing previous data helps to strengthen itself, thereby enhancing cybersecurity at each stage continuously.


Faster computing power

Machine learning systems have super-fast computing power, generating results in a matter of seconds. For example, a self-driving car helps by lightning-fast decisions on the road based on the road conditions constantly changing by accessing real-time sensory and visual data. In medical setups, doctors can arrive at their diagnosis quicker and more accurately. They can use machine learning systems to go through copious amounts of data much faster than humans can. It also promises to enhance shipping speed and reduce shipping costs in the logistics and distribution industry. Whichever machine learning job you land, you are sure to experience and note its super-fast commuting power while at it.


Customer retention

Machine learning can identify customers at a high risk of leaving by tracking their past behaviors, transactions, and complaints raised. This enables the machines to implement personalized plans to those select customers automatically.


Hiring process

The most frustrating part for recruiters during their hiring process is when they have to shortlist candidates from a pool of resumes. Machine learning algorithms will help in this process by automatically flagging resumes with undesirable content and highlighting those with positive content. This also helps to eliminate any bias in any form.


Increased customer efficiency

For instance, Amazon Go has already made this possible. By using the app,  shopping for groceries has become much more efficient when buying from associated stores. By opening the app and scanning the QR code when entering the store, all the customer needs to do is pick out their items and leave the store when their shopping is complete. In addition, the Amazon app automatically charges the price of the items they pick up to their Amazon accounts.

With the help of the right machine learning course, you can develop similar machine learning models to suit your particular company’s needs.


Virtual personal assistant

Siri, Alexa, Bixby, and Google are classic examples of virtual personal assistants that can provide us with the information we asked for by using a voice command. On the other hand, machine learning collects and reviews the data based on the questions asked previously. Based on this, answers to queries are given that are shaped according to our preferences. Machine learning courses provide you with the skills and abilities needed to learn how to develop such algorithms.


Better career opportunities, higher salaries, and growth

With almost all industries beginning to apply machine learning in their operations, opting for a machine learning certification will open the door for candidates for more career opportunities and higher salaries. As machine learning is the backbone of many businesses, companies are looking to hire highly skilled candidates to produce cutting-edge machine learning algorithms.


Machine learning is at the core of Data Science.

It is a must that data scientists have an in-depth understanding of machine learning to make accurate estimations and predictions. Thus, acquiring knowledge about machine learning will help to enhance productivity.


Increasing demand and lack of supply

Technological advancements are happening in the blink of an eye, and many organizations are struggling to keep up with their competitors. As a result, companies are experiencing a shortage of machine learning professionals. Now is the time to get moving to be skilled in the field.


Advantages of ML

Machine learning offers various benefits to businesses. It has applications in multiple domains. For example,

In the medical industry, establishing admission rates and identifying the trends of a particular illness, assessing a patient’s health and progress in real-time through wearable sensory devices.

In the finance sector to expedite exception handling, prevent fraud, and help make intelligent investment decisions.

In the insurance industry, to control fraudulent claims and predicting the types of coverage, and much more.

In the oil and gas industry, by helping to identify new sources of energy, assess minerals, aid in streamlining oil distribution so that it is cost-effective.

Recommending the right products based on consumer target audience by assessing previous buying patterns, thus helping to abolish random guesswork when advertising to customers. This also helps to increase overall customer satisfaction.

To streamline day-to-day operations like scheduling meetings, responding to emails, reminders to pay bills and other such time-consuming activities which SME’s lose out significantly on.

The availability of chatbots 24×7 on almost all online portals to answer common customer queries.

In the agriculture industry, by providing insights into species management, crop management, field management, and livestock management with the help of Support Vector Machines and Artificial and Deep Neural Networks.

In the Government sector, machine learning can be used to help officials predict possible scenarios. In addition, it can help in logistics management, manage failure rates and help to improve cyber intelligence.


Now that you have a clear picture of why you should opt for a machine learning certification, it’s time to invest in a machine learning certification course that will land you the best machine learning job. First, check out our Machine Learning Bundle: build an ML Portfolio offered by Skilldacity to jumpstart your machine learning career.  It is designed to equip you with job-ready skills and will provide you with much-needed hands-on experience. The future is already here. It’s time to jump on the bandwagon!


Skilldacity Machine Learning Courses

Data Science with Python Master Class Python NumPy for Machine Learning and Data Science Python for Data Science Data Science with R

AWS Certified Machine Learning SpecialtyAzure Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution


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