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IT Audit

Certified Information Systems Auditor


Senior IT Auditor


(105 Reviews)

If you are looking to gain recognition as an IS or IT professional, this is the course for you. The CISA has become the preferred certification program by individuals and organizations worldwide, globally recognized as the mark of excellence for the IS audit professional. In addition, CISA is consistently ranked as one of the highest paying and sought-after IT certifications.

The CISA certification is for IS audit control, assurance, and security professionals. Being CISA-certified showcases your audit experience, skills, and knowledge and demonstrates you can assess vulnerabilities, report on compliance, and institute controls within the enterprise.

Our Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) course will provide you with the knowledge and proficiency to prepare for the globally recognized CISA certification exam. This course provides in-depth coverage of the five domains that make up the “Body of Knowledge” for the CISA exam and includes tools designed to develop, manage, and perform IT security audits.

You will come away with a thorough understanding of Information Security auditing with in-depth coverage of all five CISA domains and be prepared to take the CISA exam.

CISA Domain 1 – The Process of Auditing Information Systems

CISA Domain 2 – Governance and Management of IT

CISA Domain 3 – Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation

CISA Domain 4 – Information Systems Operations, Maintenance, and Support

CISA Domain 5 – Protection of Information Assets

To become CISA certified, applicants must pass the CISA examination with a score of 450 or higher (scored on a scale of 200 to 800) and possess a minimum of five years of professional experience in the fields of information systems auditing, control, assurance, or security. In addition, the work experience must have been within the ten years before a candidate’s application submission or within five years of a passed CISA exam. Specific substitutions and waivers may be applied. The candidate must also adhere to ISACA’s Code of Professional Ethics and Information Systems Auditing Standards. The candidate can apply for certification once these criteria are met.

CISA certification is considered beneficial as it is accepted by employers worldwide and preferred for IT audit and security management positions.


  • Confirms your knowledge and experience
  • Quantifies and markets your expertise
  • Demonstrates that you have gained and maintained the level of knowledge required to meet the dynamic challenges of a modern enterprise
  • Is globally recognized as the mark of excellence for the IS audit professional
  • Combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of work and educational experience, providing you with credibility in the marketplace.
  • Increases your value to your organization
  • It gives you a competitive advantage over peers when seeking job growth
  • Helps you achieve a high professional standard through ISACA’s requirements for continuing education and ethical conduct


With a growing demand for individuals possessing IS audit, control, and security skills, CISA has become a preferred certification program by individuals and organizations worldwide.

CISA employees:

  • Are highly qualified, experienced professionals
  • Provide the enterprise with a certification for IT assurance that is recognized by multinational clients, lending credibility to the enterprise
  • Are excellent indicators of proficiency in technology controls
  • Demonstrate competence in five domains, including standards and practices; organization and management; processes; integrity, confidentiality and availability; and software development, acquisition, and maintenance
  • Demonstrate a commitment to providing the enterprise with trust in and value from your information systems
  • Maintain ongoing professional development for successful on-the-job performance


What you will learn

Course Components

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