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IT Governance

Certified Governance Enterprise IT


Data Governance Architect


(26 Reviews)

Good IT governance is a critical element of a well-performing enterprise. Enterprises need qualified information systems professionals with knowledge and expertise that can help them identify critical issues. It needs to customize company-specific practices to support the governance of information and related technologies. The uniquely governance-focused CGEIT certification ensures holders can bring IT governance into an organization, grasp the complex subject holistically, and enhance the value that the enterprise obtains from its IT. 

Since its inception in 2007, thousands of professionals around the world have earned the industry-leading CGEIT designation. It affirms that they have the broad knowledge and wide-ranging experience necessary to support and advance the IT governance of an enterprise and ensure its IT and business systems align with optimum effectiveness and efficiency.

The CGEIT was developed with the input of subject matter experts from around the world; its designation is designed for professionals who have significant management, advisory, or assurance roles relating to IT governance. CGEIT enhances your credibility, influence, and recognition and demonstrates that you have proven experience and knowledge in the governance of enterprise IT.

ISACA’s CGEIT certified professionals can enhance the strategic value they bring to organizations. CGEIT holders bring the knowledge and experience needed to align IT with business strategies and goals, manage IT investments to maximize return on investment, and strive for excellence in IT operations and governance while minimizing risk. CGEIT enhances your credibility, influence, and recognition and demonstrates that you have proven experience and knowledge in the governance of enterprise IT.

  • CGEIT helps enterprises identify and hire professionals who have IT governance knowledge and experience. Many companies and government agencies consider it a prerequisite for employees involved with enterprise IT governance.
  • CGEIT provides holders with greater recognition in the marketplace and influence at the executive level—and many holders consider it very valuable to their career progression and ability to deliver value to their enterprises.
  • CGEIT combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of a minimum of five years of proven work experience managing, advising on, and supporting the governance of enterprise IT—including one year’s experience relating to the establishment and management of an IT governance framework.
  • CGEIT holders know more than limited areas of IT governance—they can grasp the complex subject as a whole and enhance the value businesses get from their IT.


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