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CCIE Security

Cybersecurity remains one of the most critical fields in the IT industry, with a growing need for capable security professionals. Cisco’s CCIE Security Certification provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to implement cybersecurity services within any industry successfully.

Cisco’s CCIE Security Certification demonstrates the owner’s ability to navigate complex security solutions and technologies. As software and networking become more interconnected by the day, it’s increasingly essential that modern security professionals have a well-rounded understanding of overlapping strategies.

The CCIE Security Certification is one of the industry’s most widely recognized and respected certification programs and is a valuable tool for any IT professional working in any field. Candidates often have five to seven years of experience with designing, deploying, operating, and optimizing security technologies. Suppose your current position requires you to manage any of those responsibilities. In that case, if you’re considering moving into the cybersecurity field or ready to advance your career, this certification will help you reach your goals.

The cybersecurity field is currently suffering from a severe lack of qualified candidates to fill numerous and much-needed positions. There will be 3.5M cybersecurity job openings by 2021. 6 out of 10 security jobs request a certification, as 71% of hiring managers say certifications increase their confidence in an applicant’s abilities.
Job opportunities are already plentiful and will only continue to grow as cybersecurity remains the number one concern of CEOs. Some of the top jobs available in the field, along with their average salaries, include:

  • Chief Information Officer – $240K
  • Computer and Information Scientist – $188K
  • Enterprise Architect – $140K
  • Network Security Engineer – $125K


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